Maui: Trip 1 – Day 3

For our third day on Maui, Josh and I woke up at 2:15 a.m. to catch the sunrise at Haleakalā National Park. We viewed the sunrise at 10,023 feet above sea-level at the summit of Haleakalā well above the clouds. It was absolutely FREEZING at the top, but so worth it for the amazing view we received. The pictures below are in the order they were taken. The amazing thing is the clouds kept moving, so it constantly changed how much of the sun we saw. By the time the sun was in the sky, too many clouds had moved in to see it. It was a surreal view.


After the sunrise, we took a nap in the car at the visitor center. Our next activity was a horseback ride to the Haleakalā crater floor, but we had a few hours. We met the guide at the visitor center at the summit around 9:15 a.m. He handed out some rain suits for us to wear. He only had sizes L and XL, so needless to say I looked absolutely ridiculous. Our group had eight people in it and Josh and I somehow ended up on the two horses that liked to hang out in the back. At times, it was like we were on our own tour by ourselves…it was pretty comical. After awhile, it was just Josh by himself wayyyyy in the back as I had caught up to the person in front of me. Our view going down to the crater floor was incredible. Pictures cannot do the views justice. We rode down and had lunch on the crater floor and looked around a bit. Then we headed back up to the top. On the way up, the clouds started to come in and it got pretty chilly and misted a bit. By the time we got to the top, I was ready to be in a warm car again! The horseback ride was definitely worth it. Josh and I both decided that hiking it would have been too boring.


After our amazing day at Haleakalā, we went back to the hotel and showered and changed and headed to Mama’s Fish House. We were both really excited about dinner as this restaurant was supposed to be one of the best on Maui. We were absolutely blown away. I think it is the best meal I have ever had in my life. The atmosphere was so unique, the service was great and the food was amazing. We had so much fun and it was a great way to end a tiring day!

4 thoughts on “Maui: Trip 1 – Day 3

  1. Wasn’t that sunrise amazing! One of the coolest things I have ever done! We rode bikes down the mountain. (I don’t do horses) so awesome. U r making me want to go back!

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